
Heat breaks down legionella

Those who work in health and social care facilities have experience of this. The legionella bacterium is an unwanted guest of our systems that lives and proliferates between 20 and 45 degrees.
Research and Made in Italy production of new instruments can eliminate legionella, which periodically makes headlines.

The Ministry of Health, the State Region Conference and research have recognized the effectiveness of the thermal treatment of domestic hot water in the water networks of hospitals and RSAs. Legionella, or Legionnaires’ disease, also called legionellosis, is a lung infection caused by the Legionella pneumophila bacterium.
In systems where the water is constantly maintained at temperatures between 50 and 55 degrees, the proliferation of the bacterium is inhibited. At higher temperatures a sanitizing effect is obtained in proportion to the exposure times. In short, it is a flexible and targeted intervention model that can avoid the use of chemical agents and the related consequences, adapting to the needs of each type of system in a natural way.

Innovation in these contexts is important. The system developed with heat exchangers, which conduct the water at the right temperature, communicates with an electronic control unit for the correct management of the temperature of the outgoing water arriving at the distribution system. By raising the outlet temperature for the necessary time it is possible to kill the bacterium.

There is only one company, a 100% Made in Italy manufacturer, which has developed an anti-legionella system using heat, already registered on the Ministry of Health Portal as a medical device (class 1) with the label for disease prevention infectious. And we will try to shine a light on this soon to present the solutions we have developed.