It is a tool that uses heat to cut energy use in swimming pools, but also in laundries and other contexts, recovering up to 90% of what is available. For about 10000 litres of water to be replenished, a saving of up to 25 cubic metres of gas per day is achieved.
These are the functions of the MR module, designed and made in Italy by Techno System. To recognise the validity of this system came the patent, the first and only one in Italy for a tested and now certified tool.
It is the Ministry of Enterprise and Made in Italy, Market and Protection Department, General Directorate for Industrial Property, that has recognised Techno System, a company from Certaldo that produces made in Italy heat exchangers, with the ‘Patent Certificate’ for ‘Industrial Invention’ granted for the conception of an ‘Apparatus for recovering heat from waste water for the replenishment of heated water tanks’. The name is MR. When hot water has to be dumped and replenished, the system recovers the heat from it, to heat the cold incoming water. An absolutely green and sustainable tool.
There is no system in Italy so specifically designed, tested and efficient to achieve such results as our MR, which works with both chlorinated and salt water. It is a unique patent.
Techno System has field-tested this system in the public swimming pool of Cascina, Pisa, obtaining these results: about 10000 litres of water to be replenished with a saving of up to 25 cubic metres of methane per day. This module can also be used in sectors such as leather factories, the food industry, paper mills, and wherever there are hot liquids that must be discharged and replenished with cold ones.
How does it work? The MR module is a heat exchanger with an electronic control system. With the module produced by Techno System, it is possible to transfer heat from the hot waste water to the cold water. This saves up to 90 per cent of the energy it would need to heat the cold water to 26°C. An example is swimming pools that have to replace about 2.5% to 5% of their water volume, for hygienic reasons, every day. The water temperature is usually 28°C and this is drained. Refilling is done with cold water generally available between 12 and 14°C.